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Travel, Languages, Activities

Special program to share your life with Borderless Mates = people who have experienced living at Borderless House from all over the world.

Over 10,000 Borderless Mates at BORDERLESS HOUSE

10,000+ encounters and values
Share the experiences with 10,000+ people.

The number of new adventures is on your hands
we started this community platform where we gather everyone, Borderless House is more than just a place to live. Make the best of it during your stay and even after you move out.

The programs will differ depending on the country/region.
Learn language you want to learn from native speakers of Borderless Mates

A language-exchange community where you can find your ideal language partners and enjoy conversations in the language you want to learn

  1. 1 on 1 Language Exchange
    For those who want to talk 1 on 1.
  2. Group Language Exchange (held irregularly)
    For those who want to have fun in a group setting. We gather everyoner in small groups, play games, talk about random themes, and enjoy language exchange!
Read experiences
Connect with Borderless Mates with common interests

A community where peopleshare common hobbies or interests. You can enjoy real-life activities, and online activities online, that allows you to join from anywhere, anytime! Also, you can have fun at regular events hosted by BORDERLESS HOUSE. You can even plan your own events and invite everyone to paticipate!

Meet locals and make your trip more enjoyable
※Scheduled to start around 2023.
  1. House Travel
    Stay at BORDERLESS HOUSE in Japan, Korea, and Taiwan!
    The staying term is from 1 week to 1 month. If you want to travel these 3 countries, you can stay at a BORDERLESS HOUSE from 1 week and up to 1 month at a discount price during your stay! Even after you've already moved out from Borderless House.
  2. Mates Travel
    Both hosts and guests are/were tenants of BORDERLESS HOUSE!
    Let's go on a trip and meet Borderless Mates all over the world.
    You can find local hosts who are Borderless Mates, so you will be able to explore the secret spots and enjoy sightseeing with locals.
Read experiences


3 easy steps to join
Sign up for Borderless Mates from the following registration form
We will send you the Invitation to join our online platform (Discord) for Borderless Mates Program.
Welcome on board!
Enjoy the program!
  • #english-chat
  • #japanese-chat
  • #anime-and-manga
  • #movie-and-series
  • #music
  • #event-announcement
  • ......

Tenants' exclusive community platform on Discord where you connect with other Borderless House tenants across countries and houses!

You can enjoy chatting with people who share the common interests! We have various Discord Servers, such as video games, language exchange, travel, cultures, meet-up events, and more!

Sign up with Borderless Mates first!