House Exchange from Taipei to Seoul!
Hello, this is Share House Borderless House!
One of our tenants in Taipei, Sawako has been to Seoul for a week by house exchange program!
She has shared very fabulous pictures taken in Seoul after a trip.
Why don't we look around how was her trip from Taipei to Seoul together?

Hello, all!
My name is Sawako and I am currently staying in Borderless House Taipei.
I got a short break in this May and I decided to visit Seoul for the break!
I had stayed in one of houses of Borderless House Seoul in Hongdae area.
I hope you like my comment and pictures what I saw and felt in Seoul!

The best thing I got from this trip is Friends.
I visited Seoul by Free House Exchange program of Borderless House,
and they gave me an opportunity to stay in one of share houses in Seoul during my trip.
It was quite short term staying, but I became really close to all the housemates
who stayed with me in Seoul!

Even though they have their own schedule during weekdays, they always helped me a lot.
We had visited some famous places such as palaces, park etc.
This picture is taken at the park located near Han river.
It was so cool during the night time.
I heard that it is very famous to have Chi-Maek at the park of Han River, isn't it?

I am very satisfied with this trip I had in Seoul.
I could take a lot of pictures during this trip, and those were all awesome!
Since I do not have to search for a place to stay during this trip,
I could save time for planning the trip.
I think I could enjoy this trip more than before, because of Free House Exchange program!

I usually spent time with my housemates during the trip.
I wore kind of Han-bok which is traditional cloth of Korea in this picture.
It looks like cute one-piece type of dress, isn't it?
I liked this cloth so much, and I never thought that this is kind of Han-bok!

It was so happy to meet many new people in Seoul and become friends.
And having delicious food was also one of delightful things which I could do in Seoul.
I am not sure when can I have a break and have a trip to Seoul or other places,
I hope to get an opportunity to stay in another Borderless House located in another country
once more. Thanks, Borderless House!
* Only for tenant *
If you want to join our House exchange program,
feel free to contact us! Always welcome!
Please refer to the link below for more information.